crossorigin="anonymous"> California’s New Fast Food Wage Law: The Lowdown – Wilmington Chronicles

California’s New Fast Food Wage Law: The Lowdown

Hey everyone! Big news for folks working in fast food joints across California – there’s a new law in town that’s gonna shake things up. Let’s break it down, no fancy talk, just the real deal.

What’s the Deal?

Alright, so California rolled out this new rule called AB 1228. What’s it do? Two big things:

  1. Bumps up pay: If you’re flipping burgers, brewing coffee, or doing anything in a fast food spot, your pay is jumping to at least 20 bucks an hour starting April 1, 2024. Yeah, you heard that right!
  2. Brings in the Fast Food Council: This isn’t a bunch of suits. It’s a group of people who know the fast food world inside out – from the folks running the show to the ones taking your order. They’re gonna keep an eye on wages and make sure working conditions are up to snuff.

Who Gets the Extra Cash?

Not every eatery’s in on this. We’re talking about places where you order at the counter and pay before you munch. Plus, they’ve gotta be part of a big chain with at least 60 locations all over the country.

Who’s Not on the List?

Some spots get a pass. Like, if a bakery in a restaurant is selling big loaves of bread on its own, or if the restaurant is inside a big grocery store, they don’t have to up the pay.

What’s This Council Gonna Do?

The Fast Food Council’s not just there for show. They’re planning to meet up, listen to what folks have to say, and make decisions on pay and work conditions. They can’t hike up wages again until 2025, but they’re gonna make sure fast food workers are looked after.

What If You’re the Boss?

If you’re running one of these fast food spots, you’ve gotta make sure everyone knows about the new wage. Stick up the new rates where everyone can see them. And no, you can’t be sneaky and count free meals or a place to crash as part of the wage.

Got a Problem?

If you’re working your tail off at a fast food spot and not seeing that $20 an hour, you don’t have to just take it. There are places you can go to complain and get what you’re owed.

So, that’s the scoop. It’s all about making sure the hardworking folks in fast food joints get a fair deal. Keep this info handy, spread the word, and let’s make sure everyone gets their fair share!